The first Transnational Learning Seminar took place in Vilnius, Lithuania in April 2018.
The partners discussed the outcomes of Work Package 2 - analysis of regional areas of intervention and corresponding value chains. Main stakeholder groups were identified.
In addition, stakeholders’ interest and roles in the regional value chains were analyzed from three different perspectives: urgency, legitimacy, power. This analysis provides an important basis for the triple-helix dialogue that will be initiated in Work Package 3, as well as, for the communication of the results and exchange of good practices.
In a round table discussion final consensus building on the outputs of WP2 was reached and the partners got valuable guidance in how to engage stakeholders.
The seminar contineud with an introduction to Work Package 3, Innovation system gap-analysis. The partners discussed the selection of stakeholders to be interviewed, were presented with an interview guide (template) prepared by the University of Vaasa and discussed WP 3 activities such as focus group meetings in every region, comparative analyses and a case study on Poland.