LARS partners held successful kickoff meeting

Between the 5th and 6th of October 2017 the consortium behind the LARS project gathered in Vaasa, Finland to kick off the project. The consortium consists of project partners from Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Finland. The partners represent both authorities with a substantial experience as implementers of EU-regional policies and research institutions with research and advisory experience in the field.

During the two-day meeting the partners went through how the project will materialize through six different work packages. In order to ensure learning among the project partners, the partners are responsible for the different work packages depending on their expertise and experiences. During the meeting, the partners discussed in-depth the aims, implementation and intended outcomes of the six work packages. Each partner leading a work package presented how the outcomes will be reached.

The project partners were also invited to a study visit at the newly established Vaasa Energy Business Innovation Centre (VEBIC). The director of the centre presented the activities and plans for VEBIC’s combustion engine laboratory and fuel development laboratory. The purpose of the visits was to show examples of and share knowledge on platforms for cooperation between the private and higher-education sector and regional strengths in research and business in the field of new energy technologies.

All in all, the meeting and the discussions held were very fruitful. The partners look eagerly forward to continuing the work and learning on smart specialization strategies!

LARS-partnersInspired partners visiting the Vaasa Energy Business Innovation Centre (photo: Marie Sjölind).


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Updated on 16.11.2017, at 11.40, Marie Sjölind.